about me

Foto saya
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Nova Amelia. 18 years old. Ordinary Girl. I love sky blue. and thanks for reading ;)

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

sorry :(

maaf sudah rela ke bandung dan malah mengecewakan :(

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Final Test vs Christmas&New Year

Christmas and New Year are getting nearer, so is Final Test. libur cuma dari tanggal 30, tanggal 3 januari lgsg uas. can you feel what I feel now? gah. pray for UAS, pray for me O:]

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

copied from indira's

I like this post, my friend's post, its a must to read it, click!  "SMILE"

missing you

Just seeing the old photos,our memories. don't know why, but I'm kinda missing you.my high school.very much.there was a time when I was deeply feeling sad just remembered the old times we spent together. feels like...I want to stay there still, I want to be in those times..just once more I want to feel how's that to be a high school student, just once more I want to make a new memory :/ then I opened this

I don't have to go back to the old times. I'm having a new life here, and making a new memory day by day. I have many new good friends, I have many caring brothers and sisters here in PMK Unpad, and I give much thanks to God for everything. several years to come, those all will be just memories. Just make sure I won't regret anything in the future and am trying to do my best from now on. cheers! :D

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011


I just typed very long before I realized that's not enough for me to show how really I thank God for having you. so I deleted it. perhaps this short post will be better than what I typed before. because I'm typing it without knowing what I have to post, but inside my heart, I really really want to say thank you.mmm speechless. Thanks God for giving me you, and for everything You gave to me. and thanks to you for filling my day, everyday, everything, thanks, I love you :)