about me

Foto saya
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Nova Amelia. 18 years old. Ordinary Girl. I love sky blue. and thanks for reading ;)

Senin, 11 Juni 2012

dear, my friend

hey friend,
wake up, face the reality, don't be such a crybaby
you said you're weak
you said you can't stand anymore
yes, you're right
but don't you want to rise again?
I'm sad seeing you like this
I'm tired reading your grumbles everyday, without you listening me
really want to punch you right on your face now
just to make you realize, your life doesn't stop here
it's just a small part of your life
I know it's very hard for you, I really know it
you want to give up? want to die? haha can't believe it
you fell too deep only because of this kind of things
dear friend,
I really want to cheer you up, I really want to wake you up,
I really want to be there and accompany you everytime you need me,
because you're one of my best friends, because I care
but I think I should leave you for a moment, I'm sorry
you need a little time for yourself
you have to realize that this world is not only about her
dear friend,
put God first
I'm here sending rudal prayers for you :)

2 komentar:

  1. Nov, kayanya teman kita punya masalah yg sama, atau emg temennya sama......?

    1. kayaknya sama deh sil....yang disana kan yg jauh dari gue tapi deket sama lo?
